
In this series, we follow Government Spending, and related fiscal issues.
2024 Oct 17

Voter Authorization of New Hires

Select Board and Town Manager discuss hiring a new position.

Town Manager asserts that voters rejection of a new position at the ballot still authorizes him to hire that position. SB chair states the new position will be brought before Town Meeting.

Town Manager Tangeman: "Town Meeting approved the position but the ballot didn’t approve the funding. These are distinctly different issues. Because this has been a confusion in the community -- that approval at Town Meeting is only for the position approval; the ballot is about the funding mechanism above and beyond the existing operational budget. They don’t negate each other. They’re two distinct different approval processes.
It’s been a conversation in the public -- 'it was denied at the ballot which means it negates the Town Meeting vote.' That’s not the way it works. So I just want to be clear about that."

The Truro Town Charter speaks to the voters control over new hires.
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The 2024 Town Meeting vote was contingent upon the passage of an override ballot question.
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That override ballot question did NOT pass: 224 Yes to 256 No. Therefore the contingency was not fulfilled, thus voiding the Town Meeting vote.

Tags: Fiscal, Spending
2024 Oct 17

Voter Authorization of New Hires

Similar vote against hiring a Housing Coordinator occurred in 2023.

The 2023 Town Meeting vote was contingent upon the passage of an override ballot question.
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That override ballot question did NOT pass: 242 Yes to 338 No. Therefore the contingency was not fulfilled, thus voiding the Town Meeting vote.
Tags: Fiscal, Spending


In this series, we touch on the large topic of housing in Truro.
2024 Oct 8

25 S Highland Demolition

DPW Director provides an update to the Select Board

Tags: Housing
2024 Oct 4

25 S Highland Demolition

Demolition in process

Apparently the framing of the cottage was substandard, and would have to be redone. So it would be less costly to start from scratch than to work around what was in place.
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Tags: Housing
2024 Sep 24

Select Board Cloverleaf Update

Town Manager Tangeman provides an update to the Select Board

Tags: Cloverleaf
2024 Sep 24

Select Board Discussion of Committee Appointments

Town Manager's Views vs Select Board Views

Select Board decides to discuss at future agenda
Tags: Town Manager

Walsh Project

Everything related to the Walsh project.
2024 Oct 1

Walsh Cottages to be demolished

...Historical Commission decides they have insignificant historical value

That decision clears the way for the town to demolish the structures.
2024 Sep 30

Walsh will need additional water capacity to be built

Provincetown water system is at capacity, per Ptown Town Manager

"If we didn't undergo a planning process and didn't add additional capacity there isn't sufficient water to accomplish building on the Walsh property now. So, if we didn't explore or build future capacity we wouldn't have enough gallons to support the entire development at the Walsh property given all of the other projects on the pipeline in Provincetown that are already either approved or in our analysis through 2030."