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During the 2024 Town Election cycle one candidate's lawn signs were removed by the DPW under the direction of the Town Manager.
2023 Aug 7
2 months ago

Planning Board Forum - Temporary Sign Code

A listening opportunity for the Planning Board to get community input

Complete recording of the session on this agenda item.

Sign Code summary
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Sign Code Enforcement by Select Board
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Section 12 of the Town of Truro Sign Code, part of the Truro Zoning Bylaw

Tags: Planning Board, Signs
2023 May 14
2 months ago

ACLU Expresses Concerns About Infringement of Free Speech

"...serious concerns that the Town's Sign Code...imposes...restrictions on political speech in violation of the First Amendment..."

The ACLU's Boston law firm wrote to Darrin Tangeman about "Town of Truro Sign Code and Interference with Residential Political Speech," stating "selective enforcement of governmental regulations is unlawful insofar as it imposes viewpoint-based restrictions on political speech."
2023 Apr 17
6 months ago

Planning Board Public Comment By Tim Hickey

Noting that only his campaign signs were removed.

Tags: Planning Board, Signs
2023 Apr 9
6 months ago

Signs Removed This Day by Order of Town Manager

Compare Sign Removed to Sign Not Removed

This Sign on private property in a rose garden bed was REMOVED.
Homeowner: "This is where my sign was when the DPW took it on April 9. When I got the sign back, I put it back in the same spot, plus added all the neighbors' signs that were removed on that same day for display on my property."
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This Sign off Castle Road was NOT REMOVED.
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Tags: Planning Board, Signs