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DPW Project

Everything related to the new DPW Project.
2024 Sep 12
a month ago

Ad Hoc Building Committee Requirements Status

A clear statement of requirements is one of the next steps to be taken

Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Sep 12
a month ago

Ad Hoc Building Committee Update of Phase 2 Environmental Findings

Finalizing testing including monitoring wells

"In short, nothing precludes us from developing the site."
- Jarrod Cabral, DPW Director
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Aug 15
2 months ago

Ad Hoc Building Committee Update of Phase 2 Environmental Findings

Continues testing including monitoring wells

"Nothing right now precludes development of the site."
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Jul 23
3 months ago

Select Board Discussion of Phase 2 Environmental Progress

So far a green light for site development.

"We will have a full maybe 6 to 8 weeks...Right now there's nothing that precludes any development on the site."
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Jul 16
3 months ago

Board of Health Discussion of Phase 2 Environmental Progress

Further test pits not finding anything requiring action.

"We don't have the results back yet for all the tests, but assuming that there's no further action needed on the holes we've already done, we could possibly wrap this up in a couple of months."
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Jul 11
3 months ago

Ad Hoc Building Committee Discussion of Phase 2 Environmental Findings

Initial test pit findings, with one having buried oil containers.

Contaminated soil has been removed, and awaiting testing and further testing,
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 Jun 27
4 months ago

Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Funding For Next Steps

Votes: 393 Yes, 94 No, to create a schematic design for the DPW at Town Hall Hill

Tags: DPW, Town Meeting
2024 Jun 25
4 months ago

Select Board Discussion of DPW and Town Meeting Votes

Next steps to be taken at Town Hall Hill.

Includes next step of hiring an Owner's Project Manager
Tags: DPW, Weinstein, Town Meeting
2024 Jun 18
4 months ago

Select Board Goals

DPW Goal discussion

"The SB will prepare a Town Meeting article for the public works facility."
Tags: DPW
2024 Jun 11
4 months ago

Select Board Review of Ballot Question 2

Recommendation to approve the engineering budget on June 27 ballot.

Bob Weinstein claims to be the 'skunk at the party' and continues to advocate for the Rt6 site in spite of Town Meeting votes and the specific exclusion of that site in the funding warrant article that passed. While citing the cost of delay, he wants to vote against funding of the next step.

SB Chair Areson "disagrees with Bob's insistence to not vote for this ... I want to see this pass so we can get some design work done. So I am absolutely in favor of this."
View Image

Tags: DPW, Rt6, THH, Weinstein, Areson, Cabral
2024 May 28
5 months ago

Select Board Goal #4 Review

Next step to approve the engineering budget on June 27 ballot.

Weinstein continues to advocate for the Rt6 site in spite of Town Meeting votes and the specific exclusion of that site in the funding warrant article that passed.
Select Board Policy 37: "The Select Board must operate ... in conformity with all decisions made by Town Meeting."
Tags: DPW, Rt6, THH, Tangeman, Weinstein
2024 May 23
5 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: Parking and Site Fill Balancing

Plans evolve for the site, including parking

Members conclude that the site can generate its own fill, and that any contaminated soil can be kept on site and environmentally capped.
Tags: DPW, THH
2024 May 23
5 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: THH Environmental Study

Plans to do a thorough environmental analysis of the Town Hall Hill site before construction.

Members agree that doing a proper analysis and remediation is a good next step. Funding will be provided as a result of the June 27 ballot approving the results of the May 5th Annual Town Meeting.
Tags: DPW, Environmental
2024 May 5

Town Meeting Votes against DPW at Route 6 and for DPW at Town Hall Hill

Route 6 Site Rejected, and Funding Passed to Design on Town Hall Hill

Six Key Votes on May 4-5 affirmed the Town Hall Hill site:

STM Article 2 - Change of Use of 340 Rt 6

A majority of more than 2/3 of the voters rejected the change of use of the parcel on Rt 6

Overwhelming rejection of Article 2 - Change of Use
SB Vice-chair Areson voted against Article 2.

STM Article 3 - Borrowing Authorization of $28.3 million for DPW construction

Failed by more than a 2/3 majority of the voters

STM Article 4 - Borrowing Authorization of $2.8 million for DPW engineering

No site was specified. 66.7% in favor required to pass, and only 47.3% voted in favor.

STM Article 14 - DPW Campus Design

Passed by a majority of voters.

ATM Article 13 - Borrowing Authorization of $2.8 million for DPW engineering at Town Hall Hill

Voters passed an amendment allocating up to $2.8 million for engineering and design of a new DPW on Town Hall Hill

The voters voted overwhelmingly in favor, as well as the Select Board voted unanimously in favor, along with the chair of the FinCom.

ATM Article 16 - Debt Exclusion for Sand Pit Road

Voters rejected the purchase of 2 Sand Pit Rd, eliminating an alternate DPW site.

Tags: DPW, THH, Town Meeting
2024 Apr 23
6 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: Design Fees Estimates

Weston & Sampson explains that design fee is based on level of effort and NOT a straight 10% of the total project cost.

Jeff Alberti, W&S President: "Our contracts are not based on a percentage of the construction costs. That's sometimes a misconception. We take the actual concept and then we work with each of our disciplines and we develop a labor hours that we anticipate based on the schedule and the effort.
"We're not tied directly to the cost of the project. It's more the effort to complete the design."
Tags: DPW, Design, W&S
2024 Apr 23 PC
6 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: Public Comment

Brian Boyle discussing issues that can put the project at Rt 6 at risk.

Tags: DPW, Rt6, Size, SF
2024 Apr 16
6 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: Reducing the DPW Square Feet

Discussion of reducing the square feet by about a third.

In 2018-2019 the fleet was slightly larger. Now 17 vehicles to be stored.
Tags: DPW, Rt6, Size, SF, Vehicles
2024 Apr 11
6 months ago

Route 6 Site Traffic Issues

Widening the curb cut onto Route 6 requires MA Department of Transportation approval, which apparently takes years.

"I've emailed [DOT], I don't know how many times about the safety concerns... And they kind of just blew all that off and said, you know what, it's going to be part of a bigger project closer to 2030-2032, when it becomes more of a bike and walkway lane improvement."
- Jarrod Cabral, DPW Director
Tags: DPW, Rt6, Traffic, DOT
2024 Apr 9
6 months ago

Route 6 Site More Costly

Not the cheapest in terms of site work.

Topographically, it's a difficult site...makes some of the site work more expensive.
Tags: DPW, Rt6, Weinstein
2024 Apr 8
6 months ago

Route 6 Site Layout - Don't See How It Works

-- Chris Lucy (works at the DPW)

Fuel station issues

Grade, access and fire safety issues

Tags: DPW, Rt6, Lucy
2024 Apr 4
6 months ago

Route 6 Site Traffic Issues

"...given the sluggish response historically of the DOT, that they be appraised of what is going on. 2026 is the year that Truro is set in the DOT schedule to improve the highway."

Large turning radius onto Rt 6 requires a widened curb cut, per W&S.
View Image

Tags: DPW, Rt6, Traffic, DOT
2024 Apr 4
6 months ago

Ad Hoc Committee: DPW Vehicle Fleet Size

Starting in 2017, reduced to 17 vehicles now

Tags: DPW, Vehicles, Size
2024 Apr 1
7 months ago

DPW Ad Hoc Building Committee Meeting

First meeting for 1h 6m

Tags: DPW, W&S
2024 Mar 27
7 months ago

DPW Community Forum

Some Highlights from the DPW Forum held March 27 at the Community Center

Comments by taxpayer Paul Scheufele
Expressing concern about the cost being out of proportion to the scale and needs of our town.

Comments by taxpayer Jim Vincent (also the Provincetown DPW Director)
Provincetown has similar issues as Truro and is taking a phased approach.

Discussion by taxpayer Jon Winder and DPW Director Jarrod Cabral about revisiting W&S space requirements analysis
This is a component of the charge of the Ad Hoc Committee, namely: "c) Review the specific needs/requirements, specifications, estimated costs and project time-frame..."

Questions by taxpayer Regan McCarthy, about the total debt burden the taxpayers are being asked to bear.
What used to be an average of $2 million in long term debt has balooned to $9 million already, and with what is being proposed is on its way to $100 million. Echoes commentary by Provincetown DPW Director about total infrastructure costs, prioritization, and phasing.

Video clips edited for clarity and length
Tags: DPW, Provincetown, W&S, Taxes
2024 Mar 27
7 months ago

Ad Hoc DPW Building Committee restricted to Route 6 site only

per DPW Director Cabral at the DPW Forum: "So for now, since the Select Board has selected Route 6, until town meeting decides otherwise, the Ad Hoc Committee will be focused on 340 Route 6."
The Ad Hoc Committee first meets April 1 at 4:30 PM. Link to meeting schedule.
Tags: DPW
2024 Mar 26
7 months ago

Citizens' Petition

New DPW Facility on Town Hall Hill - Engineering and Site Planning for Two Existing Conceptual Plans

Presented by Dennis O'Brien
Petitioners’ explanation: The petitioners believe that the site of the current DPW Facility on Town Hall Hill (THH) is the best location for a new DPW Facility, affording substantial cost and time savings, reducing and/or eliminatng the adverse environmental, traffic, safety, and economic impacts posed by a Route 6 site. THH is safer
Tags: DPW, THH, petition, W&S
2024 Mar 4
7 months ago

Select Board Appoints Ad Hoc DPW Building Committee

The Select Board, after delaying the appointment of this committee, appoints 5 members and 1 alternate member.
2024 Feb 22
8 months ago

Adaptive Building Reuse In Truro

Reusing Buildings is Best Practice
The Town recently reused two houses and moved them from their locations to S. Highland Rd, to give them a second life.
View Image

Reusing the 5,000 SF salt barn for vehicle storage saves approximately $3 millon:
assuming $800/SF cost new less $200/SF refurbishing cost equals $600/SF saved.
Tags: DPW, W&S, Reuse, Repurpose
2024 Feb 8


Bob Weinstein claims the DPW Study Group's architect is not registered in MA.

❗️The False Statement:
None of the members of the Study Group are licensed in MA.
edited for length and clarity

✅ The Facts Checked:
Anthony Garrett, with nearly 40 years' architectural experience, is a licensed architect in several states, including MA.
Anthony Garrett's MA Architect License
from the Commonwealth's Board of Registration

✅ Anthony Garrett's Bio as a Volunteer
View Bio
online since mid-2023 at

Tags: DPW, Weinstein, misinformation
2023 Nov

Town Hall Hill Campus Concept Plan Receives Praise from Leading Architect

Truro taxpayer Elton Elperin, praised the DPW Campus Plan after reviewing the W&S plan and the DPW Study Group Campus Plan documents.

He personally wrote to Town officials to 'express my strong preference for the DPW Campus on Town Hall Hill over the current proposal for new facilities on Rt. 6.' In part this was due to the Campus Plan’s unique feature of repurposing and refurbishing existing structures. He
Tags: DPW, Elperin, Repurpose
2023 Oct 10
8 months ago


Chris Lucy says the DPW will not fit on Town Hall Hill.

❗️The False Statement:
That the Town Hall Campus Plan doesn't fit, and states that it measures 400' or 450' on the Meetinghouse Rd side.
edited for length and clarity

✅ The Facts Checked:
Weston & Sampson has tested the Town Hall Hill site and confirmed that a 29,600 SF DPW would fit if the well were relocated.
-- excerpted from W&S 2022 update. The well relocation plan has been presented in a report by expert hydrogeologist Thomas Cambareri.

✅ The Facts Checked Further:
DPW Study Group's AutoCAD concept plan cites the dimension of the border along Meetinghouse Rd. The plan shows 350.3 feet, which is within a few feet of the measurement cited by Lucy as correct.
-- from AutoCAD plan

Tags: DPW, Lucy, Town Hall Hill, misinformation
2023 Oct 5
7 months ago

Citizens' Petition at Pre-Special Town Meeting

New DPW Facility on Town Hall Hill - Presentation to Pre-Town Meeting

5 minute presentation by Kevin Kuechler, followed by 25 minutes of Q&A
Tags: DPW, THH, petition, W&S
2023 Sep 20

Town Hall Hill Campus Concept Plan Receives Positive Peer-Review

Prominent construction management firm Phelps Construction Group finds the conceptual budgets prepared by the Study Group to be accurate.

2023 Aug 25
8 months ago


Weston & Sampson states existing Town Hall Hill DPW buildings are 50 to 70 years old.

❗️The False Statement:
Presentation by Jeff Alberti of W&S says all existing buildings are 50 to 70 years old, including the two being repurposed.
View Slide
-- to the FinComm

✅ The Facts Checked:
Actual building age per DPW Director is much less. The larger of the two being repurposed for vehicle storage, at about 5,000 sq ft, was added to in the late 80s to the early 2000s.
-- from DPW Virtual Tour

Tags: DPW, W&S, Alberti, Reuse, Repurpose, misinformation
2023 Aug 25

W&S Feasibility Study - Update

DPW project COST increased by $4,763,120 to $34,364,120

Including financing costs (interest) on a bond, the total cost to the taxpayer is approximately $64 million.
2023 Aug 2

W&S Feasibility Study - Review by CHA

340 Rt 6 site: $28.2M, Town Hall Rd site: $25.1M
Rt 6 site is $3.1 million more than Town Hall Rd site

View Report
Peer reviewer CHA estimates $3.1M less cost for Town Hall Hill location before repurposing over 25% of the building square feet.
2023 Jul 17
8 months ago

Rare Species at 340 Rt 6

As reported by Truro Police Department.

Truro PD Facebook page reports Eastern Box Turtle rescue!
View Image
Tags: DPW, Rt6, Environment
2023 Jul 1

DPW Study Group Publishes Town Hall Hill Campus Concept Plan

Volunteer group comes together in an effort to save taxpayer costs while meeting all stated requirements.

Unlike past new projects in Truro or other towns, the Select Board had no Building Committee appointments to provide independent citizen advice. Study Group members stepped forward to fill that expertise gap. And endorse the common practice (as discussed by Weston & Sampson in Tewksbury) of reaping cost savings from adpative reuse of buildings.
2023 Jun 27 8:03 PM

Select Board Votes to Select 340 Route 6 Site

...motion made without hearing from the public.

No peer review has been provided yet. Resident Deborah Rivlin surprised and alarmed that a vote took place so soon without environmental testing, and without neighborhood input at the meeting.
2023 Jun 27 8:01 PM

Bob Weinstein questions voters' role in the site choice

Town Counsel indicates that 2/3 vote is needed to change use of 340 Rt 6 to Public Works.
2023 Jun 27 7:57 PM

Sue Areson clarifies the provisional nature of the site choice

Jarrod Cabral: 'As far as choosing a primary site, right, you're looking at 340 Route 6. If you go down the road and you find there's a major problem with this, can make an alternative choice.'
2023 Jun 27 7:53 PM

Neighborhood's Attorney David Reid on 340 Route 6 Site

A problem with the site... all of the presentations have been focused on the internal assessments of the site. None of the discussions have focused on the external impacts of the decision. Significant detrimental effect on the adjoining neighborhood.
2023 Jun 27 7:50 PM

Abutter Ed Kinsella Discusses Neighborhood Concerns

2023 Jun 27 4:09 PM

Select Board Chair Requires Public Comments Be Held Until the DPW Agenda Item

...and states the public will have the opportunity to speak at that time.

Agenda item 7B:
Public Works Facility Update, Discussion, and Possible Vote on Site Location
2023 May 31

Cape Cod Commission Traffic Study for Rt 6

Cape Cod Commission reports on traffic analysis for Rt 6 in the vicinity. The closest thing to data in addition to accident report analysis.
View Image
Per the report to the Walsh Committee: 'LOS E/F indicates more significant delays but does not necessarily mean that that intersection presents safety issues... For future analyses, it is suggested that additional traffic data is collected during the summer months.'
2023 Apr

MA-Licensed Architect Anthony Garrett Joins the Group

The 'DPW Study Group' continued to develop a lower cost Town Hall Hill Campus Plan concept.

Repurposing two of the existing buildings (about 25% of the total square feet requirements) and keeping the existing fuel station were key to saving millions. Redeveloping the existing site also would produce million dollar plus savings.
Additional benefits included no environmental damage, no permitting issues such as special permit conditions, no impact on Rt 6 traffic in an accident-prone corridor, and no 'industrial' look on a visible part of Rt 6.
2023 Feb

W&S Suggested Exploring Town Hall Hill Well Relocation

From the DPW to Snow's Field or to abutting parcels

W&S noted this in their Feb 2022 update, but an analysis of well relocation was not part of the initial scope of work.
Given that the new DPW could fit on Town Hall Hill if the well could be relocated, water expert Kevin Kuechler explored the least cost way to move the well. In addition, past and present water test results were reviewed, and it was determined that there are no issues with the well water at Snow's Field. This was confirmed by independent water consultant Thomas Cambareri.
2023 Jan 10

W&S Feasibility Study - Update

DPW project COST increased by $7,000,000 to $29,600,000

2023 Jan 5

Review of W&S and Current Town Hall Hill Site

Experienced Developer Reviews Site and Plans

A new DPW can be built on Town Hall Hill in phases, while service continues. It should cost considerably less than currently projected.
View Letter
2022 May 17

Job Swap

Reed and Weinstein swap jobs; Reed is now SB Chair.

2022 Feb 8

Route 6 Traffic Considerations

DPW Director to Select Board: accident history on Rt 6

Between Shore Rd and Andrew Way (just north of the School), around the Public Safety Facility
2022 Feb 8

W&S Feasibility Report - Update

COST increased by $4,618,000 to $22,600,000

DPW project scale stays at 29,608 SF
View Cover
2021 Jul 13

SB votes to dissolve Water Resources Oversight Committee

Provincetown Independent: 'Water Oversight Committee Gets Flushed'
Standing Building Committee remains empty.
2021 Jan 1

Darrin Tangeman Hired as Town Manager

2020 Jul 14

Bob Weinstein Becomes Select Board Chair

2020 Feb 11

W&S Feasibility Study - Update

DPW project reduced to 29,608 SF; COST reduced to $17,982,000

View Cover
2020 Feb 11

Paul Morris Letter to Select Board

DPW project should be scaled to what Truro requires.

The Truro Select Board Chair reads a letter from the former DPW Director about why the Public Safety site is not appropriate for a DPW facility.
2019 Jun

W&S Feasibility Report

Space Needs: 32,487 SF; TOTAL PROJECT COST: $20,655,018

View Doc
2018 Dec 28

Email to Weston & Sampson With Site Preference

Route 6 site 'would be the best option.'

View Email

Weston & Sampson Hired to Advise on DPW Requirements

Request: 'To perform a feasibility study to determine a new site location and requirements for a new Department of Public Works Facility.'

Jarrod Cabral Appointed DPW Director


Jay Norton Hired as DPW Director

2014 Dec

Paul Morris Retires as DPW Director

After announcing his retirement six months earlier.
2014 Nov

RaeAnn Palmer hired as Town Administrator

A three-year contract was announced by Select Board chair Jay Coburn. The town administrator position was vacant since February due to the death of Town Administrator Rex Peterson.
2014 May 20

Jay Coburn Re-elected Select Board Chair


Bob Weinstein Elected to Select Board

1992 Nov 30

Decision of the Board of Appeals

ZBA grants special permit for new Fire Rescue Police Station

The Board includes by reference the three-page submission filed with the Board of Appeals by the Town Building Committee on Nov 18, 1992, and entitled: 'Summary of Request for Special Permit.'

Actual ZBA Decision and Special Permit Issued

Site Plan Submitted to ZBA -- annotated for clarity

1992 Nov 18

Summary of Request for Special Permit for Fire Rescue Police Station

Town Building Committee to the ZBA

Paragraph 4b: 'It is buffered from the adjoining residential zone by the large area and extensive trees.'
1992 Oct 21

Town Meeting Vote on Special Permit for Fire Rescue Police Station

Town Building Committee brings the design to the voters for approval.

'The proposed building is separated from residential areas by woods.'
It was approved by the voters and the Building Committee then requested the ZBA issue a special permit.